Section 910 (b) The additional credit, if the taxpayer makes contributions under this Act at a lower rate under conditions that do not meet the requirements of clause (a), shall be reduced by the amount proportional to that additional credit corresponding to the amount of contributions made at that rate less than the sum of the taxpayer`s contributions made for that year under this Act. (c) For the purposes of this Division 1, the term “reserve account” means a separate account in an unemployment fund in respect of an employer or group of employers that pays benefits only for the unemployment of persons who were employed by that employer or by one of the employers forming the group. 2. The term “collective fund” means an unemployment fund or a fraction of an unemployment fund in which all contributions are mixed and undivided and on which compensation is due to all beneficiaries, with the exception of persons who were last employed by employers and for whom reserve accounts are held by the public authority, is payable only after these accounts have been exhausted. (3) In an unemployment fund, the term guaranteed employment account means an account separate from contributions paid by an employer (or group of employers) that: (A) guarantees thirty hours of wages in advance for each of the forty calendar weeks (or more, deducting one hour per week for each additional week guaranteed) in twelve months to all persons; who are employed in one or more different establishments; except that that person`s coverage may commence after a probationary period (within twelve calendar weeks or less) and (B) provides the government agency with satisfactory security or assurance that such coverage will be fulfilled from which compensation is payable in respect of the unemployment of such person whose coverage is not fulfilled or renewed and who is otherwise entitled to compensation under the law of the State. 4. The concept of experience of earnings, as applied to an employer, refers to any calendar year in which an allowance was paid for each person in his service who became unemployed and was entitled to compensation. Section 702. The Council shall carry out the tasks assigned to it by this Act and shall also be responsible for examining and making recommendations on the most effective methods of ensuring economic security through social security and legislation and administrative policy relating to old-age pensions, unemployment benefits, accident compensation and related matters. On January 17, 1935, President Franklin D.
Roosevelt sent a message to Congress calling for “Social Security legislation.” On the same day, Senator Robert Wagner of New York and Representative David Lewis of Maryland introduced bills that reflect the views of the administration. The resulting Senate and House bills were opposed by those who saw it as an invasion of government privacy, as well as those who did not want employers to pay additional taxes. Eventually, a compromise bill passed both houses, and on August 15, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. The law created a unique American solution to the problem of old age pensions. Unlike many European countries, the “insurance” of US Social Security was supported by “contributions” in the form of taxes on individuals` wages and employers` wages, rather than directly by public funds. Section 208. A person`s right to future payment under this Title is not transferable or assignable at law or in equity, and none of the amounts paid or payable or duties under this Title shall be subject to enforcement, delivery, seizure, seizure or any other legal proceeding or the application of any bankruptcy or insolvency law. Citations have been inserted to allow the reader to find the SSAct provisions of the United States Code (U.S.C.). These quotations from the U.S.C. appear in parentheses after the SSAct section.
Paragraph 4. Until it is satisfied, it does not issue another certificate to the Minister of Finance in respect of that state. (b) These amounts shall be calculated and paid as follows: 1. The Council shall estimate, before the beginning of each quarter, the amount payable to the State for that quarter in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a)(1), such estimate being based on (A) a report submitted by the State containing its estimate of the total amount to be paid during that quarter in accordance with the provisions of this clause and indicating the amount: approved or made available by the State and its political subdivisions for such expenditure during that quarter and, if that amount is less than half of the total amount of such estimated expenditure, the source or sources from which the difference is likely to arise; (B) records of the number of older persons in the State, and (C) any other investigation that the Committee deems necessary. (b) The head of the Children`s Bureau shall approve any plan that meets the requirements of subparagraph (a) and shall subsequently inform the Minister of Labour and the State authority. DEFINITIONS ARTICLE 1101. (a) When used in this Act (1) The term State (except as used in Section 531) includes Alaska, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. (2) The term United States, when used in a geographical sense, means the states, Alaska, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. (3) A person means an individual, a trust or estate, a partnership or a corporation. (4) The term capital company includes associations, public limited companies and insurance companies. 5.
The term shareholder includes a member of an association, public limited company or insurance company. (6) The term employee includes a senior officer of a corporation. (b) The terms include, and include, when used in a definition contained in this Act, they shall not be deemed to exclude other things within the meaning of the term. (c) Where an employer is required or entitled under this Act or any Act of Congress or the law of a State to deduct an amount from the remuneration of an employee and to pay the amount deducted in the United States, to a state or a political subdivision thereof, for purposes of this Act, The amount so deducted is deemed to have been made to the employee at the time the deduction is made.