Law Society Important Dates

Mark your calendars for these important dates in 2022. We will continue to update the conference schedule as we approach the dates of the Annual Meeting. Follow our news and announcements for the latest annual conference updates! We hope to see them all in San Juan, Puerto Rico in June! Please note that this year it is only an in-person meeting. Mark your calendars with these important dates below! Information on upcoming external audits of fiduciary accounts has recently been sent by the Company to all managing partners and individual practitioners. If you have not received your newsletter by mail or would like to receive an electronic copy, please contact Lea McLean of the Company at 6274-0300 or email Filing and payment of LAWPRO`s real estate and civil transactions (if applicable) are due for the quarter ended December 31, 2021 LAWPRO 2023 Insurance Extension Application Begins: Online filing of Professional Liability Insurance renewal applications for 2023 is expected to begin. If the Canadian Legal Counsel Certificate is not renewed by that date, the certificate will expire. Monthly trust reconciliation reports should be reviewed carefully, and personalization entries that appear in the one-month report should not remain in the report in subsequent months. If blocked deposits cannot be identified, the law firm should contact your bank as soon as possible so that your bank can trace the funds.

Deadline for all nominations January 31, 2023 Licensees can access the submission of the 2021 Annual Report through the Law Society`s portal. The annual report must be submitted by March 31, 2022. If the certificate of authorization of a professional enterprise is not renewed by this date, this will result in the expiry or revocation of the certificate. We can only provide a 50% refund until April 1st if you find that you are no longer able to participate. Early registration period December 16, 2021 – January 10, 2022 *April 1st is the last day you will receive a 50% registration refund (if you choose to cancel) – No refunds can be offered after this period. Last day for a 50% enrollment refund (if you decide to cancel) April 1, 2023 First monthly payment of the pre-authorized payment plan. Continues on the fifth working day of each month from April to December. LAWPRO Last date to be eligible for a $50 prepayment discount on the 2022 insurance premium Note: No external audit is required if the Company receives an affidavit between April 1 and April 30, 2022, indicating that no receivers or controlled monies were received or held by the law firm during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022. or the only trust money received by a law firm in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022 was transit money. The circular contains additional information on the required wording of the affidavit for companies without an escrow account using the source PEXA account. LAWPRO`s annual compensation forms are due by attorneys who are not engaged in civil and/or real estate litigation in 2022 and wish to exempt themselves from quarterly filings. Annual FMP Withdrawal Date LAWPRO renewal application deadline: For 2023 E&O renewal applications received by LAWPRO (online or otherwise) after this date and by December 1, 2022, an additional premium of $350 will be applied to 2023 insurance premiums (subject to Board approval of the program).

Lawyers who do not file an application by December 1, 2022 will pay an additional $600 premium and a standard policy will be issued on their behalf. Last day to register for the monthly PAP for the annual fee. There is an administration fee of $80 (HST included) for this payment option. Submit your LAWPRO Risk Management Credit Statement to before this date to be eligible for the $50 premium discount on your 2023 insurance premium for any LAWPRO-approved CPD program (up to a maximum of $100) completed before September 15, 2022. 2021 Report on Civil Society Organizations expected. Failure to file by this date may result in cancellation of the organization`s registration as a CSO. A list of designated external auditors can be found on the website. Annual Report 2021 Submission must be submitted by March 31.

Lawyers and paralegals who do not complete and submit their annual report by March 31 are subject to administrative suspension of their licence.

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