Are Laws Part of Culture

Current cultures will fail if there are no mechanisms (at least a move towards investigation) to find other ways to protect groups. These deficient cultures may either conflict with the current needs of society or fail to meet the necessary needs of their populations. If they cannot distinguish or distinguish between deceptive and exploitative … Read more…

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Are Hollow Point Bullets Legal in Delaware

In short, last night she was arrested while wearing them undercover and the policeman tried to tell me that it was illegal to have or wear hollow dots unless you were a police officer. I say possess or wear because I don`t know how he said it. Was that police officer completely wrong or … Read more…

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Are Gel Number Plates Legal 2021

While many drivers will be happy to have only the latest number on their car, others will be happy to go further, with a custom license plate or a custom license plate to make their car stand out. As long as these raised signs are uniformly black and the license plate complies with other … Read more…

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Are Fireworks Legal in Lake County Florida

Altamonte Springs hosts a concert and an excellent fireworks display with Red Hot & Boom at Cranes Roost Park. It is July 3, 2022. In 2019 – a normal year before the fireworks pandemic – about 10,000 fireworks injuries were treated in hospital emergency rooms. The number of fireworks-related deaths this year was 12, … Read more…

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Are Electronic Signatures Legal in Switzerland

In the above case (i.e. in the absence of a formal legal requirement), if a formal electronic requirement has been contractually agreed by the parties to a legal transaction, an electronic signature that is not a qualified electronic signature (such as SES or AES) is also sufficient, unless the parties have the intention to … Read more…

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Are Destructive Devices Legal in Florida

For example, in a case of simple possession or discharge of a destructive device, we can prove that this object was not a destructive device as this term is defined. In this context, the public prosecutor must be able to prove that the device caused an explosion by burning or applying heat, flame or … Read more…

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Are Chow Chows Legal in Ontario

“Pit bulls are illegal in Ontario,” he casually told a reporter posing as a potential buyer. What you should never pay is rent for pets. Although it is very common in the United States, increasing the rent for owning a pet is illegal everywhere in Canada. If your dog appears to belong to this … Read more…

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Are Brothels Legal in Paris

The most publicized provision of this law is that the purchase of sexual acts has been made illegal and punished with a fine of up to 3,750 euros if the prostitute is an adult. The purchase of a sexual act from a minor prostitute increases it to 3 years in prison and a fine … Read more…

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